Did you know? 5 Things you can do on the new website!

We are excited to unveil our refreshed website very soon -- our staff and the folks at Professional Mojo have been working hard to update the content and make some big changes in how we use the website to communicate. Our redesign is all about sharing St. John's with the wider community-- visitors, guests, parishioners, and others who visit us online. To that end, it is outward focused, yet still with the same important information that visitors and members alike may need. Today, I'm sharing five things that we want you all to know about the new website!

Worship-- Our worship information will still be front and center on our homepage. We hope that visitors and members alike will find that focus to be valuable. To watch the livestream for Sunday morning, simply click on the Youtube video, and to download the Sunday bulletin, click the red button. To learn more about worship, you can click over to the worship tab on the top of any page.

News and Updates - This tab is the new home for all our longer news and updates. You may have noticed our weekly emails linking out more and more the past few months to our current website. This is the next step in that, to make sure all our information is in one place. When we have an event or class, publish a big announcement, or share a sign-up, you can find it in this tab. All this information also automatically shows up on the ministry pages; for example, youth group events will show up on the children and youth page! Wherever you read your St. John's news, be it on social media or in the email newsletters, it will all connect back to our news and updates page.

Calendar - Visit our new calendar page to see all the things going on at St. John's. The weekly update, most recent articles, and a calendar that shows a month, week, or day view all can inform you of what is going on in your parish community.

Visit-- You'll notice a big red visit button on the top-right of the website, as well as scattered throughout. We want to invite the whole community of Lynchburg in to the wonderful things going on in our parish. You can share this visit page, or just the homepage of the website, with your friends and neighbors as an easy way for them to learn more about St. John's.

Giving and Realm - Need to make a pledge or find out how to use Realm? You can still do those important things. The give tab on the top of every page will take you to our giving page, and the "Member Portal" Page under "programs" will take you to a page to help you access Realm.

Thanks for reading our top five things to do on the new website! We look forward to launching it the end of next week; if you find anything is missing or out of place, please contact Fr. Ben (email) to let him know. We'll be touching up and adding a few more things after the launch date, so let us know what you notice so we can meet your needs!


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