It is St. John’s desire to see every young person reach their full potential in Christ. We want to lead our children and youth to know Christ deeply and include Him in all they do. If you have questions about our programs our want to learn more about where your child might best connect, contact us.
We provide care for infants and toddlers each Sunday from 9:20a through the conclusion of the 10:30a service. There is an infant room with cribs and a room for toddlers. Childcare is provided by our nursery attendant and assistants who have been trained in Safeguarding God's Children.
Children play together in a safe and loving environment with age appropriate toys, games and songs. Our leaders and volunteers have much experience with young children and love to welcome them to our nursery on Sunday mornings!
Our largest outreach ministry at St. John’s is our Day School. Learn more about them here!
SUNDAY SCHOOL: On Sundays from 9:30-10:15a during our program year, we offer Sunday School for our children in grades K-5. Our curriculum is Whirl by Sparkhouse. They meet in our classrooms located on the third floor. Our middle and high school youth also participate in their own Sunday School in the chapter room with Fr. Ben and Fr. Chris. They will dive into book topics, the gospel, and more each Sunday morning.
During the Children’s Hymn, children in grades K-3 gather at the baptismal font and follow the cross to the Chapel for children’s worship. Our volunteers lead the children in an age-appropriate Bible story, age-appropriate worship, and return at the Peace to participate in Eucharist with their families. Children who are new or nervous are welcome to attend with a parent if desired!
Youth Group at St. John’s is a place for middle and high school youth to have fellowship, fun, and worship. We meet on the twice a month in the evenings in the youth house across the street from the Boston Avenue entrance. Bring friends and come enjoy some time in fellowship.
Sunday Mornings (Sept-May) our Youth gather for Middle and High School Formation. We will learn to study the Bible this fall with dedicated teachers who will challenge them and push them to grow in their faith. You’ll also catch many of our youth Acolyting, singing, and participating in Worship Sunday mornings!
Every summer St. John’s youth services our neighbors near and far through mission trips. We have been are Belize, Navajo Nation, and Salter Path, NC. We have also done many things here in our own backyard including trips in 2023 to Grace House on the Mountain.
Our Youth also participate in Diocesan youth events throughout the year. The Diocese of Southwestern Virginia has many opportunities for young people. These include retreats, trainings, participation in Youth at Council and Summer camps and day trips. Please visit the DioSWVA youth website for many more opportunities.
Children’s Ministry Committee
The Children’s Ministry Committee is a lay-led group of volunteers who seek to provide opportunities for our children (infants through 5th grade) and their families to enjoy fun, fellowship, and get to know the church. Our ministry builds on Sunday morning formation with favorite programs like St. Nicholas Day (Dec 6), holiday parties, summer events, Vacation Bible School, and more! We also assist with Children’s chapel and support the work of the Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. Check your church news for more opportunities for our little ones.
St. John’s welcomes Lalla Johnson to our staff as our director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries! Lalla is the person to contact to help connect your child, or to join in these important ministries.