Our staff is a group of dynamic individuals who love St. John's and the parish community. We work collaboratively on every aspect of parish life-- from providing pastoral leadership to ensuring the building and spaces are inviting and welcoming for all the events and ministries we host. You'll find our staff to be available and approachable, ready to help and support you in your walk with Christ and your ministry through St. John's.
Bishop of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
The Right Reverend Mark Bourlakas
The Rev. Chris Roussell
chris@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Associate Rector for Formation
The Rev. Ben Cowgill
ben@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Organist & Choirmaster
Peggy Haas Howell
peggy@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Lalla Sydnor Johnson
Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries
lalla@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Executive Assistant to the Rector
Nicole Cook
nicole@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Parish Administrator
Pamela Reynolds
pamela@stjohnslynchburg.org -
Director, St. John’s Day School & Nursery Coordinator
Amy Panzer
amy@stjohnslynchburg.org -
River Segel
Tymeek Booker
Charlie Larson
Commission on Administration
Sr. Warden -
Jack McCarthy
Commission on Administration
Jr. Warden -
Ellen Edmunds
Commission on Administration
Sr. Warden Elect -
Charlie Schindler
Commission on Administration
Jr. Warden Elect -
Leah Hinkle-Thompson
Liturgy & Music
Lewis Dabney
Family Life & Care
Sarah Elizabeth Sterne
Family Life & Care
Judy Frantz
Family Life & Care
Farley Dawson
Christian Formation
Bill Burruss
John Casler
Commission on Administration
Past Sr. Warden -
John Morgan
Commission on Administration
Past Jr. Warden -
Brenda Kincaid
Liturgy & Music
Julie Andrews
Christian Formation
Tom Eppes