We look forward to you joining us for one of our weekly services! During that time, we join as a community for a time of worship. Worship in the Episcopal Church follows the ancient practice of a set liturgy. It is oftentimes referred to as “spiritual muscle memory” when the rhythm and structure becomes ingrained in our DNA. The Liturgy of the Word spends time in the Bible with sermons that are meant to evoke thoughtful reflection into the application in daily living. The Liturgy of the Eucharist recalls the Last Supper of Jesus Christ who gave himself for the entire world. All these elements, when taken together, unite the community with one another and with God.
Worship: 8:00a | 10:30a
Our 8:00a service is quiet and contemplative and includes the reading of Scripture, prayers, a sermon, and Holy Communion. There is no music at 8am.
10:30a is our main service. We have Holy Eucharist Rite II, a full choir with organ, Scripture, a sermon, and prayers. Children are invited to children’s chapel during the service, and nursery is offered during our program year, which begins the Sunday after Labor Day and concludes the Sunday before Memorial Day. Our 10:30a is livestreamed via Youtube!
During our program year (Sunday after Labor Day to the Sunday before Memorial Day), we offer:
Breakfast: 9:00a
Adult Formation: 9:30a
Worship: 12:10p
Our Wednesday midweek service is the perfect chance to take a breath and reconnect with God in the middle of your week. Usually thirty minutes long with a short sermon, this service is a great way to connect in busy times and slow ones. It includes reading of Scripture, a brief sermon, prayer and Holy Eucharist. Many weeks we focus on a saint or feast of the church as they come up on the liturgical calendar.
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we offer a daily worship service of Morning Prayer via Zoom and other special worship opportunities throughout the year. Read more about Morning Prayer below, and see our announcements about upcoming special worship opportunities.
Our community marks many milestones with our members, whether they be baptisms, weddings, confirmation, funerals, prayers for healing and Holy Eucharist in the home, and other special services.
Baptism: Baptism is the rite of Christian Initiation, and also how people officially join the church if they have never been Christians before. Often we baptize our children, and we welcome adults who have never been baptized into our midst, as well. If you have been baptized but would like to formally join the church, read below about confirmation. If you are interested in baptizing your child at St. John’s, please contact a member of the clergy.
Weddings: If you would like to get married at St. John’s, we ask that a member of the couple be a member of the parish or have a family connection. Please contact the clergy for more information.
Confirmation: We offer confirmation, the rite of mature acceptance of the faith, usually in the spring as it is a sacrament administered by our Bishop. Young people in 10th-12th grade are invited to join a confirmation class and discern whether they would like to make this sacramental profession of the faith. Adults are also welcome to be confirmed, or to be reaffirmed in their faith. For those joining the church from another Christian tradition, they are received into our church through the Confirmation service as well, called “reception.” To find out more, please contact a member of the clergy.
Funerals: We believe every funeral to be important. To make funeral plans, please contact a member of the clergy or the Executive Assistant to the rector. You may also purchase a niche in our columbarium by contacting the office.
Ministry to the Sick: Our clergy regularly visit those who are sick and shut-in. We also have a ministry of lay eucharistic visitors who bring communion to people in their homes. Please contact the clergy if you desire these services.
Morning Prayer is a service of daily prayer including Scripture readings, Psalms, canticles, and intercessory prayer. The church prays together not only on Sunday, but in a rhythm of daily prayer that goes back to our Jewish ancestors and our early Christian roots. These prayers are old, yet timely; in gathering to pray together daily we learn to shape our own prayer lives.
Each weekday morning during Advent and Lent, we gather on Zoom for Morning Prayer, Rite Two. The officiant will screen-share the text and ask for a volunteer to read the scripture lessons. We ask you participate muted, unless requested to un-mute, that way can ensure maximum audio quality for those on the Zoom.
During other seasons of the church year, we encourage you to use the Book of Common Prayer, or online resources such as Forward Movement to pray Morning Prayer on your own time. Or, click below to listen to Morning Prayer (updates daily)!
To see the text of Morning Prayer, click the Forward Movement Button.
Select “Pray the Office” to pray the Office based on time of day (Morning, Noon, Evening, or Compline).
Select “Pray Any Time” to pick from the options and customize your settings.
To read the Forward Day by Day Devotional, select “Forward Day by Day.”