Advent at St. John’s, 2022
December is busy. With kids out of school, families in town, and planning for the holidays, we often feel overwhelmed and stressed by the time we get to Christmas. With all that in mind, our Advent program invites you to take a break from the hustle and bustle, and to come and rest in the Lord.
“Come and Rest in the Lord”
We will offer four unique worship opportunities on Wednesday evenings at 6:30p. We want you to come and see how Episcopalians and Christians praise God in all sorts of ways. Before each service, we will release an episode of our podcast about the service for you to learn the background before you experience it in worship.
November 30 - Blue Christmas - Our Blue Christmas service is especially for those who feel grief at the holidays. This service gives us a chance to acknowledge and hold up our grief before God, even as we get ready to enter a season of preparation for the incarnation of Jesus Christ. This service is a Holy Eucharist, Rite II.
December 7 - Anglo-Catholic Mass - This will be a Rite I, Sung Holy Eucharist with the choir and incense offered. We will commemorate the feast of St. Ambrose of Milan.
December 14 - Contemplative Taizé Service - This evening will be peaceful, quiet, and contemplative. With long periods of silence, chanting, and a candle-lit church, you will encounter God in the stillness and gentleness of this service. This service will not include Holy Eucharist.
December 21 - Contemporary Worship - We will have our last service in Magill Hall! Join us for Eucharist with contemporary prayers and praise music that we’ll stream in from Episcopal musicians across the country. We’ll experience worship music and prayers that are in our common language and remember St. Thomas the Apostle.
Not available Wednesday nights, or looking for something more? Join us for a number of other opportunities for worship, outreach, and fellowship this season.
Other Advent Opportunities at St. John’s
Morning Prayer - We offer this 20 minute service every weekday via zoom at 8:00a in Advent. Morning Prayer includes readings from Scripture, Psalms, and prayers to start off your day. We’ll post the link across our website and communications platforms closer to the season.
Music - Mark your calendars for two exceptional musical offerings. Our own Choir will offer Lessons and Carols December 18th at 5:00p. We will also host The Concert for the Human Family on December 10th at 7:00p. Stay tuned for more information.
Families - On December 6th (Tuesday Evening) St. Nicholas will be stopping by St. John’s. We’ll hear from St. Nick in the church, with a pizza dinner to follow in Magill Hall. Youth Group will meet on December 4th and 11th. All are welcome!
Outreach - We will have our normal Angel Trees, Christmas offering, and St. Nicholas Day appeal. Stay tuned to our weekly updates and your service bulletins
Annual Meeting - Our Annual Meeting will be December 4th, following a 9:45a combined service